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On this page is a list with all the contents from TALANTA I (1969) -TALANTA XLV (2013).

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1969 ● Volume I

  • Foreword I H.T.Wallinga
  • A Kylix by the Painter of London D 12 / M. F. Jongkees-Vos,  3-8 (PDF)
  • An Olpe with a Quadriga-Protome / M. F. Jongkees-Vos, 9-18 (PDF)
  • The Archaic Tyrannis / H.W.Pleket, 19-61 (PDF)

1970 ● Volume II

  • Festuca, quasi hastae loco / H. van den Brink, 1-21, PDF
  • The Minoan Genius in Mycenaean Greece: a review I J. H. Crouwel, 23-31, PDF
  • A reaction upon ‘The Minoan Genius in Mycenaean Greece: a review’ / F. T. van Straten, 33-35, PDF
  • Some recent Work on the Treatment of Prisoners of War in Ancient Greece I A. H. Jackson, 37-53, PDF
  • Nine Greek Inscriptions from the Cayster-Valley in Lydia: a republication / H.W. Pleket, 55-88, PDF 
  • Iberian Girdle Fasteners in a Nijmegen Museum I A. Roes Roes, 89-94, PDF
  • Twelve Documentary Papyri from the Amsterdam Papyrus Collection I P. J. Sijpesteijn, 95-115, PDF

1971 ● Volume III

  • Introduction / J. G. P. Best, B. H. Isaac and R. A. van Royen, 1
  • Colonia Iulia Equestris and Legio Decima Equestris / Jan G. P. Best, 1-10 (PDF)
  • Colonia Munatia Triumphalis and Legio Nona Triumphalis / Benjamin H. Isaac, 11-43 (PDF)
  • Die Machtergreifung des Aristodemos von Kyme / Karl-Wilhelm Welwei, 44-55 (PDF)
  • Aristotle as an Expert on Urban Problems / Glanville Downey, 56-73 (PDF)
  • Fragments of Letters from the Amsterdam Papyrus Collection / P. J. Sijpesteijn, 74-82 (PDF)

1972 ● Volume IV

  • The Origin of Contract / H. van den Brink, 1-22, PDF
  • ΙΑΚΧΟΣ: Some remarks suggested by an unpublished lekythos in the Villa Giulia / H. S. Versnel, 23-38, PDF
  • When did Cleonymus liberate Aliphera? / J. Roy, 39-45, PDF
  • The ancient Roman Origin of the Salvatio Romae Legend / H. S. Versnel, 46-62,PDF
  • Isonomia and Cleisthenes: a Note / H. W. Pleket, 63-81, PDF
  • A Linear A Inscription on a Pithos from Epanfi Zakro / J. G. P. Best, 82-84, PDF
  • A Pithos from Epan6 Zakro / J. P. Stronk, 85-87, PDF

1973 ● Volume V

  • A misleading lekythos in the Villa Giulia Museum (with a postscript by S. Versnel) / C. H. E. Haspels, 1-5, PDF
  • Technology in the Greco-Roman World: a general report / H. W. Pleket, 6-47,PDF
  • Colonia Augusta Praetoria and Augustus’ Cohortes Praetoriae / R. A. van Royen, 48-71, PDF
  • Letters on ostraca / P. J. Sijpesteijn, 72-84 , PDF

1975 ● Volume VI

  • The Origin of the Greek Word ΛΕΩΝ / J.-C. Billigmeier, 1-6 (PDF)
  • Odaenathus and the Roman-Persian War of 252-264 A.D. / L. de Blois, 7-23 (PDF)
  • Flavius Onesikrates and Fellow Ephebes / E. A. Kapetanopoulos, 24-29 (PDF)
  • Some Observations on the Latin Concept of ‘colonia’ / R. A. van Royen, 30-36 (PDF)
  • Some Byzantine Papyri from the Amsterdam Papyrus Collection / P. J. Sijpesteijn, 37-57 (PDF)
  • Untersuchungen zu militärischen Problemen des Perusinischen Krieges / P. Wallmann, 58-91 (PDF)

1975 ● Volume VII

  • The Freedom of the Citizen in the Greek World / M. I. Finley, 1-23 (PDF)
  • The Freedom of the Intellectual in Greek Society / K. J. Dover, 24-54 (PDF)
  • The Freedom of the Intellectual in the Roman World / A. B. Breebaart, 55-75 (PDF)

1977 ● Volume VIII-IX

  • Origin of the Greek Word Phoinix / J.-Chr. Billigmeier, 1-4 (PDF)
  • Troy, Taruiäa and the Etruscans / J.-Chr. Billigmeier, 5-10 (PDF)
  • The Helvetians : From Foederati to Stipendiarii / J. G. P. Best – B. H. Isaac, 11-32 (PDF)
  • The Tarasque de Noves / P. A. van Dorp – R. A. van Royen, 33-51 (PDF)
  • Deinokrates : A disappointed Greek Client / I. E. M. Edlund, 52-75 (PDF)
  • Aufstellung über den Ertrag einer Weinernte / S. M. E. van Lith, 58-74 (PDF)
  • Der Geldumluaf der Stadt Histiaia und seine Bedeutung für die Verteilung ihrer Proxenoi / Chr. Marek, 74-79 (PDF)
  • Aus alten Inschriftenkopien / G. Petzl, 80-99 (PDF)
  • Greek Texts in the Possession of the Amsterdam University Library / P. J. Sijpesteijn – K. A. Worp – G. J. M. J. Te Riele, 100-119 (PDF)
  • Roman Religion: Three Problems of Methodology / H. S. Versnel, 119-155 (PDF)
  • Die Belagerung Sagunts und die römische Passivität im Westen 219 v. Chr. / K. W. Welwei, 156-173 (PDF)

1978-1979 ● Volume X-XI


  • J. D. Aalders H. Wzn., The city of Dyme punishes monetary fraud, 7-10 (PDF)
  • de Blois, The reign of the emperor Philip the Arabian, 11-43 (PDF)
  • Frei-Stolba, Legio X Equestris, 44-61 (PDF)
  • M. Jongman, M. Obellius M.f. Firmus, Pompeian Duovir, 62-65 (PDF)
  • L. O’Neil, The constitution of Chios in the fifth century B.C., 66-73 (PDF)
  • W. Pleket, New inscriptions from Lydia, 74-91 (PDF)
  • A. D. Smelik, The ‘omina mortis’ in the Histories of Alexander the Great, 92-111 (PDF)
  • Strubbe, Les noms indigènes à Pessinonte, 112-145 (PDF)

1980-1981 ● Volume XII-XIII

  • S. DUSANIC, Athens, Crete and the Aegean after 366/5 B.C., 7-30 (PDF)
  • B. ISAAC, Roman Colonies in Judaea: The Foundation of Aelia Capitolina, 31-54 (PDF)
  • E. RUSCHENBUSCH , Der Ausbruch des 1. punischen Krieges, 55-76 (PDF)
  • A.R.R. SHEPPARD, Pagan Cults of Angels in Roman Asia Minor, 77-102 (PDF)
  • G. HERMAN, The ‘Friends’ of the Early Hellenistic Rulers: Servants or Officials?, 103-149 (PDF)


  • Best, 7-48 (PDF)
  • Best, 49-56 (PDF)
  • Best, 57-62 (PDF)
  • Best, 63-68 (PDF)

1982-1983 ● Volume XIV-XV

  • The Zakro Pithos Inscription, Again, J.G.P. Best, 9-16 (PDF)
  • Two Traditions in Spiral Inscriptions with Litiear A Texts, J.G.P. Best, 17-26 (PDF)
  • Linear A Liquid Measure: A Contribution, J.P. Stronk, 27 (PDF)
  • The Dictaean Libation Table, J.P. Stronk, 29-31 (PDF)
  • Immanes Raeti: A Hundred Years of Roman Defensive Policy in the Alps and Voralpenland, J.A. Waasdorp, 33-90 (PDF)
  • Etruscan Origins: The Epigraphic Evidence, F.C. Woudhuizen, 91-117 (PDF)

1984-1985 ● Volume XVI-XVII

  • H.-E. Giesecke, Wie sah Knossos wirklich aus?, 7-52 (PDF)
  • D.G. Zanotti, Varna: The Necropolis and the Gold Finds, 53-75 (PDF)

Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum

  • J.G.P. Best, Ku-ni-su: Emmer Wheat or Personal Name?, 77-79 (PDF)
  • G.J.M.J. Te Riele – S.L. Wynia, Inschriften aus der Sammlung Dortmond-Smit: einige Addenda und Corrigenda, 81-90 (PDF)
  • F.C. Woudhuizen, Lydian: Separated from Luwian by three sings, 91-113 (PDF)
  • F.C. Woudhuizen, Origins of the Sidetic Script, 115-126 (PDF)


  • Roman and native in the Low Countries: Spheres of interaction, ed. R. Brandt and J. Slofstra (R. Reece), 129— (PDF not available)

1986-1987 ● Volume XVIII-XIX

  • D.J. Breeze, The Logistics of Agricola’s Final Campaign, 7-28 (PDF)
  • Petropoulou, The Thracian Funerary Rites (Her. 5.8) and Similar Greek Practices, 29-47 (PDF)
  • D.W. Smit, Backgrounds to Hittite History, Some historical remarks on the proposed Luwian translations of the Phaistos Disc, 49-63 (PDF)
  • J.P. Stronk, Wreckage at Salmydessos, 63-75 (PDF)
  • D.G. Zanotti, Varna: The Interpretation of the Evidence from the Necropolis, 77-104 (PDF)

Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum

  • Neuss, Zur Deutung des Diskos von Phaistos, 107-123 (PDF)
  • F.C. Woudhuizen, The Recently Discovered Greek- Etruscan Bilingue from Delphi, 125-153 (PDF)

1988-1989 ● Volume XX-XXI

  • J.G. DE BOER, An Early-Byzantine Fortress on the Tell of Dyadovo, 7-15 (PDF)
  • H.-E. GIESECKE, Der mykenische Wagen, 17-39 (PDF)
  • MARAZOV, The Identity of the Triballian Great Goddess, 41-51 (PDF)
  • D.W. SMIT, Achilles, Aeneas and the Hittites. A Hittite model for Iliad XX 191-194?, 53-64 (PDF)
  • J.P. STRONK, A Thracian Thalassocracy?, 65-72 (PDF)

Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum

  • O. NEUSS, Addenda zu Struktur und Interpretation des Diskos von Phaistos, 75-86 (PDF)
  • F.C. WOUDHUIZEN, The Recently Discovered Greek-Sidetic Bilingue from Seleucia, 87-96 (PDF)
  • F.C. WOUDHUIZEN, Epigraphic Evidence for Alien Residents of a Third Kind at Pithecussae/Cumae, Italy, c. 750-675 BC, 97-108 (PDF)
  • F.C. WOUDHUIZEN, Etruscan Numerals in Indo-European Perspective, 109-124 (PDF)

Reviews and Discussion, 125-135 (PDF)

  • TREVOR R. BRYCE, “Ahhiyawans and Mycenaeans—An Anatolian Viewpoint”, Oxford Journal of Archeology 8,3 (1989) 297-310 (D.W. Smit)
  • B.H. ISAAC, The Greek Settlements in Thrace until the Macedonian Conquest (J.P. Stronk)
  • Discussion with the Editor of Antiquity on John Chadwick’s Review of Jan Best & Fred Woudhuizen, Ancient Scripts from Crete and Cyprus (Brill-Leiden 1988)

1990-1991 ● Volume XXII-XXIII

  • KONSTANTIN P. BOSCHNAKQW, Die Thraker “Tetrachoritai”, 7-13 (PDF)
  • IRIS VON BREDOW, Die Gottheiten in dem althethitisehen Gewitterritual, 15-21 (PDF)
  • GEORGI KITOV, The Domed Tombs near the Village of Ravnogor in the Rhodopes, 23-47 (PDF)
  • HERMANN PARZINGER, Siedlungsformen der ausgehenden Friihbronzezeit unci dec Karumzeit in West- und Inneranatolien, 49-77 (PDF)
  • DAAN W. SMIT, KUB XIV 3 and Hittite History, A Historical Approach to the T awagalawa-letter, 79-111 (PDF)
  • DAAN W. SMIT, The Hittite Corridor, 113-115 (PDF)
  • JAN P. STRONK, Sparta and Persia: 412-386, An Outline, 117-136 (PDF)

Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum

  • FRED C. WOUDHUIZEN, The Dawn of Indo-European Literacy, 139-149 (PDF)
  • FRED C. WOUDHUIZEN, The Earliest Inscription from Tarquinia, 151-161 (PDF)
  • Review Article JAN P. STRONK, Socrates and his Trial, 163-168 (PDF)

1992-1993 ● Volume XXIV-XXV

  • Jan Best, Racism in Classical Archaeology, 7-11 (PDF)
  • Jan G. de Boer, Etruscan Sea-Going Vessels from the 10th to 5th Century BC, 11-22 (PDF)
  • Roald F. Docter, Two Sherds in a Cigarbox: The Greek Component in Toscanos-Mainake, 23-42 (PDF)
  • J.H.R van den Hoogen, Building a Ritual Landscape:The Fidestemple at Elst and the Limes with the Batavians, 43-58 (PDF)
  • Georgi Kitov & Marlena Krasteva, A 4th Century BC Thracian Royal Tomb from the Kazanluk Region, Southern Bulgaria, 59-76 (PDF)
  • Lazarov, Die Bleigewichte von Odessos, 77-84 (PDF)
  • Daan W. Smit, Kurunta & Tuthalija (IV): A Greek Practice among the Hittites?, 85-98 (PDF)
  • Daan W. Smit, Paiderastia: A ‘Greek’ Practice Reconsidered, 99-116 (PDF)
  • Jan P. Stronk, (Greek) Sailing Merchant-ships, c. 500-330 BC—A Preliminary Research, 117-142 (PDF)

Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum

  • Ottomar Neuss, Signifikante Hinweise für die Decodierung des Diskos von Phaistös—Die “Domen” in ihrer Funktion als Kartuschen der entsprechenden Wortgefüge, 143-160 (PDF)
  • Maya Vassileva, The Inscribed Thracian and Phrygian Phialae in Comparative Perspective, 161-166 (PDF)
  • Fred C. Woudhuizen, On the Dating of Luwian Great Kings, 167-220 (PDF)


  • Fred Woudhuizen, The Language of the Sea Peoples [with a foreword by Jan Best] (Johan W. Jong), 221-222 (PDF)

1994-1995 ● Volume XXVI-XXVII

  • Georgi Kitov & Marlena Krasteva, The Thracian Grave and Cult Complex in the Ostrousha Tumulus near Shipka, 7-28 (PDF)
  • Gareth Owens, The Date of the Linear B Archive from the “Room of the Chariot Tablets” at Knossos—LMII or LMIIIA1?, 29-48 (PDF)
  • Sybille von Reden, Archäologie und Politik: Die Geburt der Pallottino These, 49-58 (PDF)
  • Jan P. Stronk, Nowruz in Thrace?, 59-80 (PDF)
  • Fred C. Woudhuizen, Toponomy and the Urbanization of Etruria, 81-88 (PDF)
  • Ruud de Zwarte, On the Use of the Balance as a Device for Measuring Commodities and the Accuracy of Ancient Weighing, 89-140 (PDF)
  • Ruud de Zwarte, Der Vorentwurf und die Dimensionierung des spätarchaischen Aphaiatempels auf Ägina, 141-152 (PDF)

Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum

  • Fred C. Woudhuizen, Luwian Hieroglyphic Monumental Rock and Stone Inscriptions from the Hittite Empire Period, 153-218 (PDF)

Reviews, 219-225, (PDF)

  • Kjell Aartun, Die Minoische Schrift, Sprache und Texte. I Der Diskos von Phaistos, Die beschriftete Bronzeaxt, Die Inschrift der Tarragona-Tafel (Jan G.P. Best), 219
  • Kendrick Pritchett, The Liar School of Herodotos (Jan P. Stronk), 220
  • Richard Steffy, Wooden Ship Building and the Interpretation of Shipwrecks (Jan P. Stronk), 223
  • G.R. Tsetskhladze and F. De Angelis (eds.), The Archaeology of Greek Colonization, Essays dedicated to Sir John Boardman (Jan G. de Boer), 225

1996-1997 ● Volume XXVIII-XXIX



  • Wim van Binsbergen, BLACK ATHENA TEN YEARS AFTER: towards a constructive re-assessment. 11 (PDF)
  • Martin Bernal, RESPONSES TO BLACK ATHENA: general and linguistic issues. 65 (PDF)
  • Jan Best, THE ANCIENT TOPONYMS OF MALLIA: A post-Eurocentric
    reading of Egyptianising Bronze Age documents. 99 (PDF)
  • Amo Egberts, CONSONANTS IN COLLISION: Neith and Athena reconsidered. 149 (PDF)
  • Martin Bernal, RESPONSE TO ARNO EGBERTS. 165 (PDF)
  • Josine H. Blok, PROOF AND PERSUASION IN BLACK ATHENA I: The case of K.O. Müller. 173 (PDF)
  • Martin Bernal, RESPONSE TO JOSINE BLOK. 209 (PDF)
  • Wim van Binsbergen, RETHINKING AFRICA’S CONTRIBUTION TO GLOBAL CULTURAL HISTORY: lessons from a comparative historical analysis of mankala board-games and geomantic divination. 219 (PDF)

1998-1999 ● Volume XXX-XXXI

  • R. de Zwarte, Mass metrological arguments for differential weighing in the Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age: Akrotiri on Thera, U garit, Tarsos, Katsambas on Crete and Athens. With a digression on Aristotle’s Ath. Pol. 10. 7 (PDF)
  • G. Kitov/D. Dimitrova, New discoveries in the Thracian Valley of the Kings in the region of Kazanluk. Excavations by a Thracian Expedition for Tumuli Investigations ‘TEMP’ in the region of Kazanluk from 1995 till 1997. 31 (PDF)
  • J.P. Stronk, Crossing the Straits: the Persians in Thrace. 55 (PDF)
  • A. Franz, Thymiateria with drooping petal-capitals. Distribution and function of an (Early) Iron Age class of objects. 73 (PDF)
  • P. Monti, Homeric tradition in the Mediterranean navigation of the Pithekoussans. 115 (PDF)


  • O.E. Borgers, Review of C.L. Lyons, Morgantine Studies, Volume V, The Archaic Cemeteries (Princeton, N.J. 1996). 133 (PDF)
  • J.G. de Boer, Review of S.J. Saprykin, Ancient Farms and Land-Plots on the Khora of Khersonesos Taurike, Research in the Herakleian Peninsula 1974-1990 (McGill University Monographs in Classical Archaeology and History No. 16 Antiquitates Proponticae et Caucasicae 1), Amsterdam, 1994; J.G. Vinogradov/S.D. Kryzickij, Olbia. Eine altgriechische Stadt im nordwestlichen Schwarzmeerraum (Mnemosyne, bibliotheca classica Batava, Supplementum 149), Leiden, 1995; J. Chapman/P. Dolukhanov (eds.),Landscapes in Flux, Central and Eastern Europe in Antiquity (Colloquia Pontica 3), Oxford 1997. 136 (PDF)


  • G. Owens, A Linear inscription from Olympia: Minoan and/or Mycenaean? 143 (PDF)
  • G. Owens, Late Minoan II Knossos: Minoan and/or Mycenaean? 147 (PDF)
  • G. Owens, Re-discovered fragments of Linear B tablets from Knossos now in the Ashmolean Museum Oxford. 155 (PDF)
  • F.C. Woudhuizen, The Celtic nature of the Southwest Iberian inscriptions. 159 (PDF)
  • F.C. Woudhuizen, Nanas, a Luwian personal name in the west. 175 (PDF)
  • F. Durando, Un kantharos attico ‘St-Valentin’ con iscrizione da Pithekoussai. 181 (PDF)

LECTURES AROUND A MUMMY, held in the Allard Pierson
Museum, Amsterdam from 8 to 11 October 1998

  • J.F.W. Koens/R.F. Docter, Lectures around a mummy. 190 (PDF)
  • W.M. van Haarlem, Mummification and religion. 191 (PDF)
  • J.F.W. Koens, Determining age and sex in physical anthropology. 195 (PDF)
  • R.J. Jansen/S. van der Berg-Faay, Rontgen and archaeology: past, present, future. 211 (PDF)
  • P.F. Dijkstra, A story of six heads and embalming techniques in ancient Egypt. 225 (PDF)
  • J.Th.M. Eerhart-Waslander, To the bone: DNA research and archaeology. 239 (PDF)
  • G.J.R. Maat, Facial reconstruction: a review and comment. 247 (PDF)


  • R.F. Docter, Thirty years TALANTA:
    an index to volumes I – XXX/XXXI. 255 (PDF)

2000-2001 ● Volume XXXII-XXXIII

  • Introduction, R. Doctor, J.P. Stronk, and M.D. de Weerd, & Preface, G.R. Tsetskhladze & J.G. de Boer, 1-10 (PDF)
  • Tsetskhladze, G.R. (UK), Black Sea Piracy, 11  (PDF together with next article)
  • Doonan, O., and Smart, D. (USA), Gerna Dere, Roman and Byzantine Settlement in Sinop Province, Turkey, 17 (PDF)
  • Summerer, L., and Atasoy, S. (Turkey), Amazonendarstellungen auf Münzen und Terrakotten von Amisos, 27 (PDF)
  • Kakhidze, A. (Georgia), Specimens of Classical Bronze Toreutics from Pichvnari (Georgia), 41 (PDF)
  • Ballesteros-Pastor, L. (Spain), Pharnaces I of Pontus and the Kingdom of Pergamum, 61 (PDF)
  • Kuznetsov, V.D. (Russia), Phanagoria and its Metropolis, 67 (PDF)
  • † Vinogradov, Y.G., (Russia), TheVisit of an Euboean to Phanagoria, 79 (PDF)
  • Sokolova, O.Y., (Russia), New Material from the Excavation of Nymphaeum, 81 (PDF)
  • Saprykin, S. (Russia), Bosporus on the Verge of the Christian Era (Outlines of Economic Development), 91 (PDF)
  • Popova, E.A., and Kovalenko, S.A. (Russia), A New Relief with Heracles in the North-Western Crimea, 103 (PDF)
  • Treister, M.Y. (Russia), Finds of Metal Elements of Roman Military Costume and Horsharness in the North Pontic Area, 109 (PDF)
  • Zubar, V.M. (Ukraine), and Pillinger, R. (Austria), New Tombs with Early Christian Murals from the Necropolis of Tauric Chersonesus (Preliminary Note), 123 (PDF)
  • Romancuk, A. (Russia), Chersonesos im Früh- und Mittelbyzantinischer Zeit, 131 (PDF)
  • Bravo, R. (Poland), Deux Ostraka Magiques d’Olbia Pontique et Quelques Données Nouvelles sur les Procédés de la Magie Destructive, 149 (PDF)
  • Dupont, P. (France), Héraklès et le Ketos de Troie sur un Vase Nord-Ionien à Figures Noires de Bérézan?, 165 (PDF)
  • Lungu, V. (Romania), La Tombe d’un ἭΡΩΣ et l’Organisation de la Nécropole d’une Cité Milésienne du Pont Euxin: le Tumulus TA95 d’Orgamé, 171 (PDF)
  • † Rădulescu, A., Buzoianu, L., Bărbulescu, M., and Georgescu, N. (Romania), Albe¸sti (Departement de Constanza), Site Fortifié Greco-Indigène, 189 (PDF)
  • Stoyanov, T. (Bulgaria), The Getic Capital at Sboryanovo (North- Eastern Bulgaria), 207 (PDF)
  • Gergov, G. (Bulgaria), Archaeological Evidence of Dune Formation on the West Pontic Coast in the 4th-3rd Centuries BC, 223 (PDF)
  • de Boer, J.G., and Stronk, J.P. (The Netherlands), Two Greek “Emporia” South of Apollonia Pontica?, 233 (PDF)
  • Abramzon, M.G. (Russia), The ‘Coronation Coin’ of the Thracian King Rhoemetalces III, 239 (PDF)
  • Bouzek, J. (Czech Rep.), The First Thracian Urban and Rural
    Dwellings, and Stonecutting Techniques, 243 (PDF)
  • Archibald, Z.H. (UK), The Odrysian River Port near Vetren, Bulgaria, and the Pistiros Inscription, 253 (PDF)
  • Tonkova, M. (Bulgaria), Classical Jewellery in Thrace: Origins and Development, Archaeological Contexts, 277 (PDF)
  • Woudhuizen, F.C. (The Netherlands), The Earliest Inscription from Thrace, 289 (PDF)

Book Reviews (PDF)

  • G.R. Tsetskhladze (ed.), The Greek Colonisation of the Black Sea Area, Historical Interpretation of Archaeology, 307
  • G.R. Tsetskhladze (ed.), Ancient Greeks, West & East K. Nawotka, The Western Pontic Cities. History and Political Organization, 307
  • G. R. Tsetskhladze, PICHVNARI and its Environs, 6th c. BC – 4th c AD (J.G. de Boer), 307
  • R. Rolle, V.Ju.Murzin undA.Ju.Alekseev, Königskurgan Certomlyk. Ein skythischer Grabhügel des 4. vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts (G.R. Tsetskhladze), 311
  • Octavian Bounegru & Mihail Zahariade, Les Forces Navales du Bas Danube et de la Mer Noire aux 1er – VIe Siècles (M.D. deWeerd), 313

2002-2003 ● Volume XXXIV-XXXV

  • Waanders, F.M.J. (The Netherlands), In memoriam C. J. Ruijgh, 7 (PDF)
  • Kelder, Jorrit (The Netherlands), The use and appreciation of Mycenaean Pottery in New Kingdom Egypt, 9 (PDF)
  • Stronk, Jan P. (The Netherlands), The Trojan Horse: The Present Debates on Troy and the Art of Fundraising, 19 (PDF)
  • Woudhuizen, Fred C. (The Netherlands), Etruscan Origins, 55 (PDF)
  • Kunze, Claudia (Germany), The Tomb of Yadamelek: A new approach to its architecture, burial rite and grave goods, 71 (PDF)
  • Docter, Roald F. (Belgium), The Topography of Archaic Carthage: Preliminary results of recent excavations and some prospects, 113 (PDF)
  • Meyer, Marion (Österreich), Dickbauchtänzer in Korinth und Athen, 135 (PDF)
  • Lazarov, Luchevar (Bulgaria), AMesambrian coin of Geta, 181 (PDF)
  • Wright, G.R.H. (France), The Marriage made in Hell, 183 (PDF)


  • D. Hertel, Die Mauern von Troia. Mythos und Geschichte im antiken Ilion (Jan P. Stronk), 191 (PDF)
  • Michel Kazanski & Vanessa Soupault (eds.), Les sites archéologiques en Crimée et au Caucase durant l’Antiquité tardive et le haut Moyen-Age (J.G. de Boer), 195 (PDF)
  • S.L. Solovyov, Ancient Berezan. The Architecture, History and Culture of the First Greek Colony in the Northern Black Sea (Vladimir Stissi), 197 (PDF)
  • N. Theodossiev, North-Western Thrace from the Fifth to First Centuries BC (Jan P. Stronk), 201 (PDF together with next PDF)
  • M.Y. Treister, Hammering Techniques in Greek and Roman Jewellery and Toreutics (Kathy Sas), 204 (PDF)

2004-2005 ● Volume XXXVI-XXXVII

  • Weerd, Maarten Derk de (The Netherlands), In memoriam Ben van Beek (1938 – Amsterdam – 2005), 7 (PDF)
  • Zwarte, Ruud de (The Netherlands), Greek temple design reconsidered: the temple of Athena at Paestum and its monumental stepped altar. With a digression on methodology in Greek metrology, 11 (PDF)
  • Kelder, Jorrit M. (The Netherlands), Mycenaeans in Western Anatolia. With an Appendix by Woudhuizen, Fred C. (The Netherlands), Reflexes of Western Anatolian toponyms in Linear B texts, 86 (PDF)
  • Koens, Hans (The Netherlands), A Luristan sword in the Allard Pierson Museum: some metallurgical considerations, 89 (PDF)
  • Stronk, Jan P. (The Netherlands), Ctesias of Cnidus. From physician to author, 101 (PDF)
  • Manders, Erika (The Netherlands), Religion and coinage. Heliogabalus and Alexander Severus: two extremes?, 123 (PDF)
  • Burgersdijk. Diederik (The Netherlands), Zenobia’ s biography in the Historia Augusta, 139 (PDF)


  • Woudhuizen, Fred C. (The Netherlands), Further evidence on the relation between Celtiberian and Southwest Iberian: the case of the inscription from Sasamon, 155 (PDF)
  • Woudhuizen, Fred C. (The Netherlands), Mira: evidence for conti­nuity in Western Anatolia during the transition from the Late Bronze to Early Iron Age, 165 (PDF)
  • Woudhuizen, Fred C. (The Netherlands), Some more on Cretan hieroglyphic seals:, (PDF)
    • Tarkondemos in Cretan Hieroglyphic, 171
    • King Minos in Cretan Hieroglyphic, 176
    • Nestor’s Cretan Hieroglyphic Seal, 179


  • Donnellan, Lieve (Belgium), Ethnic Identity on the western Black Sea area: the cases of Histria, Kallatis and Apollonia Pontika (7th-4/3th centuries BC), 189 (PDF)
  • Boer, Jan G. de (The Netherlands), The Greek colonies in the Pontic area during the 5th century BC, Athens, the rise of the “barbarian” kingdoms and the Ionian Revolt: an economic approach, 269 (PDF)
  • Damyanov, Margarit (Bulgaria), Notes on the development of Odessos and its vicinity until Early Hellenistic Times, 289 (PDF)


  • Neeft, Kees (The Netherlands), Corinth, Demeter, and Sicily. A review of three publications of Corinthian pottery from Demeter sanctuaries in Sicily, 311 (PDF)
  • Weerd, Maarten Derk de (The Netherlands), Trade or controlled supply? Roman artefacts in Northwestern Germania. A review article (Michael Erdrich, Rom und die Barbaren), 339 (PDF)

2006-2007 ● Volume XXXVIII-XXXIX

  • Davis, Brent (Melbourne, Australia), The Lunar Year of the Coligny Calendar as a precedent for the insular lunar year, 9 (PDF)
  • Davis, Brent (Melbourne, Australia), The Solar year of the Coligny Calendar as an analogue of the Roman solar year, 35 (PDF)
  • De Zwarte, Ruud (The Netherlands), Pythagorean Harmony Mathematics and Building Techniques: the Second Temple of Hera (‘Poseidon’) at Paestum, 71 (PDF)
  • Pakkanen, Jari (Great Britain), The Erechtheion and the length of the ‘Doric-Pheidonic’ Foot, 97 (PDF)
  • Margaritis, Evi (Greece), Archaeobotanical investigations at the Geometric site of Krania, Southern Pieria in Macedonia, Greece, 123 (PDF)
  • Govantes-Edwards, David (Great Britain), The New Institutionalism. A new theoretical approach to the study of classical economics, 133 (PDF)
  • Naerebout, F. (The Netherlands), Global Romans? Is Globalisation a concept that is going to help us understand the Roman Empire?, 149 (PDF)
  • Selçuk Şener, Y./Bekir Eskici/Cengiz Çetin (Turkey), The Zeugma Wall Paintings: study and recovery of the Roman decorations, 171 (PDF)
  • Kool,Wouter (The Netherlands), Just another changing city? The urban development of Rome AD 400-900, 189 (PDF)
  • Schuddeboom, Feyo (The Netherlands), Orgia and Telete in the epigraphical evidence, 225 (PDF)
  • Avaliani, Eka (Georgia),Which goddess could be hidden behind the title
    “The Queen of Heaven” in Jeremiah’s prophetic books?, 239 (PDF)
  • Woudhuizen, Fred C. (The Netherlands), Dionysos and his cult in Etruscan texts, 249 (PDF)


  • Woudhuizen, Fred C. (The Netherlands), Traces of ethnic identities in Etruscan onomastics, 259 (PDF)


  • Boer, Jan G. de (The Netherlands), Phantom-Mycenaeans in the Black Sea, 277 (PDF)
  • Berdzenishvili, Irma (Georgia), The Ancient Christian Monuments of the Black Sea Eastern Littoral – Pitiunt (Bichvinta), 303 (PDF)

2008-2009 ● Volume XL-XLI

    • Papadopoulos, Angelos (Cyprus), The distribution of the Late Helladic IIIA-B ivory helmeted heads, 7 (PDF)
    • Kertai, David (Germany), The history of the Middle-Assyrian kingdom, 25 (PDF)
    • Pappa, Eleftheria (United Kingdom), Reflections on the earliest Phoenician presence in North-West Africa, 53 (PDF)
    • Höckmann, Olaf (Germany), Griechischer Seeverkehr mit dem archaischen Naukratis in Ägypten, 73 (PDF)
    • Senden, Arjan (The Netherlands), Zenobia in nummis, 137 (PDF)


    • Ligt, Luuk de (The Netherlands), An ‘eteocretan’ inscription from Praisos and the homeland of the Sea Peoples, 151 (PDF)
    • Blažek, Václav (Czech Republic), On the North Picenean Language, 173 (PDF)
    • Woudhuizen, Fred C. (The Netherlands), Phrygian & Greek
      With an Appendix by Waanders, Frits (The Netherlands), Some notes on Phrygian & Greek, 181 (PDF)
  • Stronk, Jan P. (The Netherlands), P. Oxy 2330: A new collation, 219 (PDF)


    • G.W. Bowersock, Mosaics As History: The Near East from Late Antiquity to Islam (Diklah Zohar), 223 (PDF)
    • Ilya S. Yakoubovich, Sociolinguistics of the Luwian language (Lia Rietveld and Fred C. Woudhuizen), 227 (PDF)

2010-2011 ● Volume XLII-XLIII

  • Bruseker, George (Greece), Calanus and Dandamis: A Greek sketch of ancient Indian Thought, 7 (PDF)
  • Strootman, Rolf (the Netherlands), Alexander’s Thessalian Cavalry, 51 (PDF)
  • Avaliani, Eka (Georgia), Canaanite colonies of Imperial Egypt, 69 (PDF)
  • Stronk, Jan P. (the Netherlands), Philobarbaroi or Xenophobetikoi? Greek authors on Persia(ns). An exploration, 83 (PDF)
  • Brouwers, Josho (the Netherlands), A Note on Romantic Love in Homer, 105 (PDF)
  • Eijnde, Floris van den (the Netherlands), The forgotten Sanctuary of Zeus on Mount Parnes, 113 (PDF)
  • Klaassen, Ylva (the Netherlands), Migration and Integration in the Roman World: A New Approach towards Culture and Identity, 129 (PDF)
  • Piermarini, Sylvia (Belgium), Deux nouveaux miroirs de la collection inédite de Museo Archeologici Nationale: étude typologique et stylistique, 157 (PDF)
  • Bosman, Arjen V., and Jean Roefstra (the Netherlands), Greek Pottery in the Abbey at Egmond, 169 (PDF)


  • Blazek, Vaclav (Czech Republic), On the reinterpretation of some Gaulish inscriptions, 177 (PDF)
  • Freu, Jacques (France). Le Vase d’argent du Musée des Civilisations Anatoliennes d’Ankara, 185 (PDF)
  • Woudhuizen, Fred C. (the Netherlands), The Luwian Hieroglyphic Texts Maras 8, Iskenderun, and Maras 14, 193 (PDF)
  • Woudhuizen, Fred C. (the Netherlands), Two Notes on Lydian, 207 (PDF)
  • Woudhuizen, Fred C. (the Netherlands), Some more Etruscan Inscriptions, 215 (PDF)


  • Geography of Southwest Anatolia: Notes to Gander 2010. A Review Article (Woudhuizen, Fred C.), 235 (PDF)


  • Docter, Roald F. (Belgium) and Fred C. Woudhuizen (the Netherlands), Forty-three years Talanta: an Index to Volumes I – XLIII, 241 (PDF)

2012 ● Volume XLIV

  • Papadopoulos, Angelos (Greece), Introduction: Current Research and Perspectives on the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean, 13-18 (PDF)


  • Doumas,Christos (Greece), The Impact of the Sea on the Greek Language, 19-26 (PDF)
  • Yasur-Landau, Assaf (Israel), The ‘Feathered Helmets’ of the Sea Peoples: Joining the Iconographic and Archaeological Evidence, 27-40 (PDF)
  • Kelder, Jorrit (United Kingdom), Ahhiyawa and the World of the Great Kings: A Re-evaluation of Mycenaean Political Structures, 41-52 (PDF)
  • Blakolmer, Fritz (Austria), The Missing ‘Barbarians’: Some Thoughts on Ethnicity and Identity in Aegean Bronze Age Iconography, 53-77 (PDF)


  • Papadopoulos, Angelos (Greece), A matter of quantity? Some notes on Late Bronze Age Exchange Modes in the Eastern Mediterranean, 79-91 (PDF)
  • Papadimitriou, Nikolas (Greece), Regional or ‘international’ networks? A comparative examination of Aegean and Cypriot imported pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean, 92-136 (PDF)
  • Georgakopoulos, Kostas (Greece), Minoan-Anatolian relations and the Ahhiyawa question: A reassessment of the evidence, 137-156 (PDF)
  • Fappas, Ioannis (Greece), Precious gifts and the circulation of oils in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean, 157-182 (PDF)
  • Sørensen, Annette Højen (Denmark), Handling handles: Local cups from Toumba tou Skourou, Cyprus, with a Cretan twist, 183-205 (PDF)
  • Kolotourou, Katherina (United Kingdom), Musico-cultural amalgamations in the Eastern Mediterranean: A percussive view from the Aegean, 206-226 (PDF)


  • Vakirtzi, Sophia (Greece), The decorated spindle-whorls from prehistoric Akrotiri, Thera, 227-243 (PDF)
  • Vlachopoulos, Andreas (Greece) and Sophia Sotiropoulou (Greece), The Blue Colour on the AkrotiriWall-paintings: From the Palette of the Theran Painter to the Laboratory Analysis, 245-272 (PDF)
  • Molloy, Barry (United Kingdom), The Origins of Plate Armour in the Aegean and Europe, 273-294 (PDF)
  • Theodoropoulou, Tatiana (Greece), Searching for the Sea: The Exploitation of Marine Resources in Late Bronze Age Aegean, 295-314 (PDF)
  • Shaw, Ian (United Kingdom), The archaeology of refuse disposal in New Kingdom Egypt: Patterns of production and consumption at el- Amarna, 315-333 (PDF)

2013 ● Volume XLV

  • Introduction
  • García Ruiz, Maria Pilar (Spain) and Alberto J. Quiroga Puertas (Spain), Preface,PDF
  • Gualandri, Isabella (Spain), Introduction: Linguistic and Cultural Alterity in the Roman Empire: Historiography and Panegyrics
  • Torres, José B. (Spain), The bilingual emperor: Eusebius of Caesarea, Vita Constantini
  • Burgersdijk,Diederik (TheNetherlands), Praise through letters: Panegyrical Strategies in Eusebius’ Life of Constantine and the Historia Augusta 
  • Rees, Roger (United Kingdom), From alterity to unity in Pacatus Drepanius’ panegyric to Theodosius
  • Quiroga Puertas, Alberto J. (Spain), The Others: cultural monotheism and the rhetorical construction of ‘Cultural Alterity’ in Libanius’ Panegyrics
  • Kelly, Gavin (United Kingdom), Ammianus’ Greek accent
  • García Ruiz, Maria Pilar (Spain),The ‘Marcellus case’ and the loyalty of Julian: ‘latent arguments’ and cultural Otherness in Ammianus’ Res Gestae
  • Sánchez-Ostiz, Álvaro (Spain), Lucretius, Cicero, Theodorus: Greek philosophy and Latin eloquence in Claudian’s encomiastic imagination
  • Gualandri, Isabella (Spain), Claudian, from Easterner to Westerner
  • Quiroga Puertas, Alberto J. (Spain), Final Remarks: Rhetorizing Cultural Alterity in Late Antique Historiography and Panegyrics

2014-15 ● Volume XLVI-XLVII

Contents of volume XLVI-XLVII (2014-15)

  • Bariş Gür (Turkey), An overview of the Late Helladic IIIC period in Anatolia, 7  (PDF) 
  • Frank Kolb (Germany), Phantom Trojans at the Dardanelles? , 27 (PDF) 
  • Konstantinos Giannakos (Greece), Cutting-edge technology and know-how of Minoans/Myceneans during LBA and possible implications for the dating of the Trojan war, 51 (PDF)
  • Mary Elizabeth Cooper (United Kingdom), Uhhaziti, king of Azarwa: Tantalus, king of Lydia, 81 (PDF) 
  • Katerina Volioti and Maria Papageorgiou (Greece), A new signed Korinthian Aryballos, 107 (PDF) 
  • Yang Juping 杨-3: (China), Some clues of the Hellenistic World and the Roman East hidden in China’s Early Four Historical Books, 121 (PDF) 
  • Takuji Abe (Japan), Herodotus’ first language: The state of the language in Halicarnassus, 145 (PDF) 
  • Jan P. Stronk (The Netherlands), Thermopylae: 480 BC: ancient accounts of a battle, 165 (PDF)
  • Reinier Meijering (The Netherlands), Religious support and political gain: the Seleucids, Miletus and Didyma, 301-281 BC, 237 (PDF)
  • Annelies Koolen (The Netherlands), Boeotian Epaminondas: an uneasy exemplum to the Athenian Xenophon, 251 (PDF) 
  • Madona Mshvildadze (Georgia), The Iberian (Caucasian) town of Artanissa in Claudius Ptolemy’s coordinates, 265 (PDF) 
  • Vedat Keles and Ersin Çelikbaş (Turkey), Wall heating systems in Roman architecture and “spacer tubes” found in the Parion Slope Structure, 281 (PDF) 


  • Woudhuizen, Fred (The Netherlands), Some Southwest Iberian Inscriptions, 299 (PDF) 


  • J. Beresford 2013: The Ancient Sailing Season (Jan P. Stronk), 335 (PDF)  
  • W.M.J. van Binsbergen 2012: Before the Presocratics. Cyclicity, Trans- formation, and Element Cismology (Jan G. de Boer), 339 (PDF)  
  • H. Bodin and R. Hedfund (eds.) 2013: Byzantine Gardens and Beyond (Baukje van den Berg), 342 (PDF)  
  • S.C. Stone 2014: The Hellenistic and Roman Fine Pottery (Mark van der Enden), 345 (PDF)  
  • Jorrit Kelder et alii 2012: Troy. City, Homer, Turkey (F.C. Woudhuizen), 353 (PDF) 

2018 ● Volume L

Contents of Volume L (2018)

  • Eberhard Zangger-Fred Woudhuizen, Rediscovered Luwian Hieroglyphic Inscriptions from Western Asia Minor (= Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum 42) 9-56 (PDF)
  • Michael Bányai- Der Beylöy Text: Eine Fälschung? (= Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum 43) 57-82 (PDF)
  • Diether Schürr-Mellaarts Erste Erfindung: Ein Hieroglyphen-Luwisches Siegel (= Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum 44) 83-85 (PDF)
  • Vladimir Stissi-What is Drawn and Written is not Necessary True. Contextualising Mellaart’s Fakes, (= Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum 46) 87-124 (PDF)
  • Eberhard Zangger-James Mellaart’s Fantasies (= Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum 46) 125-182 (PDF)
  • Fred Woudhuizen-Eberhard Zangger-Arguments for the Authenticity of the Luwian Hieroglyphic Texts from the Mellaart Files (= Supplementum Epigraphicum Mediterraneum 47), 183-212 (PDF)
  • Fred Woudhuizen-Review of Berres, Th., Der Diskus von Phaistos. Grundlagen seiner Entzifferung., 213-220 (PDF)

2019 ● Volume LI

  • Konstantinos Sp. Giannakos, Evidence from the Aegean, Cyprus, Egypt, Levant, Asia Minor and Possible Dating of the Trojan War (Part II), 9-75Konstantinos Sp. Giannakos, Evidence from the Aegean, Cyprus, Egypt, Levant, Asia Minor and Possible Dating of the Trojan War (Part II), 9-75 (PDF)
  • Jan P. Stronk, From Sardis to Marathon. Greco-Persian Relations 499-490 BC: A Review. Part 2: The Battle of Marathon and Its Implications, 77-226 (PDF)
  • Christoph Pieper, Orderly Wit: Specimens of Augustan Discourse in Mocrobius’ Saturnalia, Books 1 and 2, 227-245 (PDF)
  • Diederik Burgersdijk, Palmyra on the Silk Road: Terrestial and Maritime Trading Routes from China to the Mediterranean, 246-257 (PDF)

52 (2020)

Van der Sluijs, Marinus Anthony, The Ins and Outs of Gilgameš’s Passage through darkness.
Ünan, Serdar and Nazan, Stone jewelry moulds from Seyitömer Höyük.
Koolen, Annelis, Athenian cavalry inspection.
Stronk, Jan P., The Greeks and Persia.
Laflı, Ergün and Maurizio Buora, A bread stamp with the expression of ΦΩΣ + ΖΩΙ in the museum of Afyonkarahisar, Western Turkey.


Woudhuizen, Fred C., On the Value of the Luwian Hieroglyphic Sign LITUUS *378.
Woudhuizen, Fred C., On the status of Tawagalawas and the dating of the letter named after him.


Harrison, Thomas and Joseph Skinner, Herodotus in the Long Nineteenth Century (by Jan Stronk).


Corrigendum of Annex 2B in Kostas Sp. Giannakos 2019

53 (2021)

From Zwammerdam to Teheran, papers presented to Jan Stronk and Maarten de Weerd

Special edition edited by J.G. de Boer, J. Kelder and F. Woudhuizen

Bosman, Arjen, Roman military presence at Velsen, The Netherlands: an updated view.
de Boer, Jan, A Roman transport and supply route along the rivers Utrechtse Vecht?
Buitendorp, Tom, The cradle of the Western Limes.
Höckmann, Olaf, From Arles to Zwammerdam: Flat-Bottom Bargs of the Roman Period.
Kelder, Jorrit, Early ships and the spread of Indo-European and Anatolian language.
Llewellyn-Jones, Lloyd, Clothing the Shami Prince: The Dress of Parthian Horsemen.


Josephine van den Bent, Floris van den Eijnde and Johan Weststeijn, Late Antique Responses to the Arab Conquests (by Simon Pierre)

54 (2022)

Contents of volume 54 (2022):

Noegel, Scott, Scale Scriptitious: the concentration of divine
power in the ancient Near East.
Salgarella, Ester, Mix and match: a combinatory (re-)classification of linear a signs.
Chiotis, Eustathios, Length units, proportions, and modularity in Minoan
and Mycenaean architecture: a secure way out of the labyrinth of linear,
volume, and weight measures.
Piekosz, Mischa, The syngeneic purposes of Hekatomnid onomastics.
Van Aerde, Marike and Botan, Samatar Ahmed, Trade dynamics
in East Africa: the continuation of ancient port settlements in the first millennium CE.
Spruit, Jop E., tr. T. Lubbers, Legislation in Constantinople. The novels
of Justinian and his successors

Book reviews
Droß-Krüpe, K. 2020. Semiramis, de qua innumerabilia narrantur:
Rezeption und Verargumentierung der Königin von Babylon von der
Antike bis in die Opera Seria des Barock (by Jan Stronk)