Author instructions

We invite submissions of articles (max. 10,000 words) for TALANTA. We welcome papers on the history and archaeology of the Mediterranean (including Roman provincial archaeology), the Near East, the Black Sea region, Iran and Central Asia, as well as East-West relations between and across them, from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity. We encourage contributions that emphasize the importance of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research and particularly welcome papers that explore intersections of archaeological and historical studies, as well as those that critically interact with social and archaeological theory.

The journal publishes articles in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish, although preference is given to articles in English.

Papers received for consideration will first be assessed by the editorial board. Submissions that are deemed suitable for TALANTA will be sent to two external peer-reviewers. Based on their reviews, the editors of TALANTA will then decide whether to accept or reject the submitted paper for publication.

Authors are asked to read and follow the author instructions, available for download here
In addition, authors are asked to sign the Letter of Intent, available for download here


If you are interested in reviewing a specific book for TALANTA, please contact us on

We also invite publishers to send us books for review. These can be sent to:

Milinda Hoo
Utrecht University
Dept. History and Art History
Ancient History and Classical Civilization
Drift 6
3512 BS Utrecht

The book will be sent to a qualified reviewer, who is asked to review the book within three months upon receipt of the manuscript. Once the review is accepted, TALANTA will publish it in the next issue.

Reviewers are asked to read and follow the review guide, available for download here

Special issues

TALANTA also publishes conference proceedings and themed volumes. For more information on publishing a special issue please contact the editors: