Previous issues

Single issues from current and previous numbers are available from the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society at the current single issue price. To backorder issues please contact:

Sold out are:

  • numbers I (1969) – XIV/XV (1982/1983)
  • number XXVIII/XXIX (1996/1997)
  • number XXXXII/XXXIII (2000/2001)

Available are:

  • numbers XVI/XVII (1984/1985) – XXVI/XXVII (1994/1995)
  • number XXX/XXXI (1998/1999)
  • number XXXIV/XXXV (2002/2003)
  • number XXXVIII/XXXIX (2006/2007)

Content, increasingly with pdf versions of the articles, is to be found under Publications or searched via Search Authors.