Current issue

Contents of volume 54 (2022):

Noegel, Scott, Scale Scriptitious: the concentration of divine
power in the ancient Near East.
Salgarella, Ester, Mix and match: a combinatory (re-)classification of linear a signs.
Chiotis, Eustathios, Length units, proportions, and modularity in Minoan
and Mycenaean architecture: a secure way out of the labyrinth of linear,
volume, and weight measures.
Piekosz, Mischa, The syngeneic purposes of Hekatomnid onomastics.
Van Aerde, Marike and Botan, Samatar Ahmed, Trade dynamics
in East Africa: the continuation of ancient port settlements in the first millennium CE.
Spruit, Jop E., tr. T. Lubbers, Legislation in Constantinople. The novels
of Justinian and his successors

Book reviews
Droß-Krüpe, K. 2020. Semiramis, de qua innumerabilia narrantur:
Rezeption und Verargumentierung der Königin von Babylon von der
Antike bis in die Opera Seria des Barock (by Jan Stronk)

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